FROM THE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ASOCIMAI October 3, 2023 HELLO EVERYONE! I am just coming off the high of a most successful 2023 reunion! The Ritz-Carlton Tyson’s Corner was impressive – from the hotel and its location to the impeccable service and the attendance of so many new members – and young ones at that. We were hoping that we would be able to go to a Ritz again when we hold our 2024 annual reunion in Florida. However, they priced themselves out of contention. But… in their stead, we have contracted with the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress resort which is one of the best hotels in the Orlando area. I think you will all be pleased. From the review of our most recent reunion, it seems that attendees are starting to be more concerned about finances. Therefore, the Board has decided to limit our evening socials to 2 – a welcome party and the grand ball. Saving this one night will also enable us to increase the prices for the two events as food and beverage has really skyrocketed tremendously. It will only be a few dollars but enough to offset all expenses associated with the event and make a small profit for the organization. The only income that the organization receives is from membership dues which have not increased in forever and from the souvenir program so it is really essential that the jubilarians advertise. We will brainstorm on other possible sources of income like selling CIM t-shirts for example. Our next reunion will be from July 17-21, 2024. Per my statement at our last business meeting in Tyson’s corner, I will set the cut-off date for the event registration to MAY 28, 2024 which will give the committee enough time to really make sure that everyone is given a chance to tell us who they want to sit with and have the hotel prepare well in advance for a memorable reunion. I would also remind everyone that the reason they come to this reunion is primarily to attend our educational sessions in order for you to be able to deduct your expenses as part of CME. This holds true even for those retired MDs who need to continue to advance their learning. Check with your accountants on this. Our theme for next year’s CME will be OBESITY (God knows I need that!) and we are starting to line up great speakers, thanks to Jerry Murillo, our CME chair. The 2023 CME was such a great success, in terms of attendance and content! Please do not hesitate to call or email me for suggestions and critiques. Folks, thank you for your support, commitment and loyalty to ASOCIMAI! Long may she prosper! My best to all, RISE FAITH ESPINA DAJAO, MD Executive Director 757-753-9237 risefaith@yahoo.com